Kelby Training a Review

Almost two months ago I joined the National Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP) and slightly afterward, I joined Kelby Training. I am going to post my thoughts on NAPP membership as well, but I wanted to start with my thoughts on Kelby Training. The site was...

Alchemy Salon and the Commercial Street LoftWalk

There is just something I love about a great Salon. Perhaps it’s because I grew up in a beauty shop that I find them so entertaining. My mother is a stylist, my grandmother was a beauty operator and my grandfather a barber. To say I spent some time embroiled in...

Pre-Studio Test Shots

The photography studio space is coming along. I have been diligently working away in my basement. Both my neck and shoulder adequately reflect the time I have spent rolling color (or lack there of depending on how you think of black) on the walls and ceiling. Shot One...